Well created
This animation revolves around a good idea which works well.
The quotes in this animation were well implemented into the dinner scene. They were used in a comedic way which worked effectively. The sound quality was good too.
The animation was great, it wasn't mainly comprised of motion tweens, FbF makes it seem more realistic and lifelike if done well, you did so.
The characters were well drawn and the background art didn't conflict with the scene, yet it was still nice to look at while not dominating the characters or the events that occurred.
The idea of Starfox eating at a restuarant while using quotes from the N64 gaem was quite original, it wasn't boring though, as the situation escalates into a fight and then a destructive end where part of Corneria is blown up.
The choice of menu was great too when using the Lylat System.
Overall, the animation and concept are great however in a few instances, it is quite predictable. But the animation's comedic value overshadows this.
A+ 89/100